HomeLifeMichael Jordan donates 100 crores; check how much money owns Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan donates 100 crores; check how much money owns Michael Jordan

Forbes releases a list every year that resonates around the world. Recently, Forbes released a list of the 400 wealthiest people in the United States. And there, an athlete’s name has come up for the first time. He is none other than the 6 feet 6 inch basketball star Michael Jordan.

Among 400 people, Michael Jordan’s position is 379th. He made the list after selling his majority stake in his basketball team, the Charlotte Hornets, at an unbelievable price earlier in the year. In 2010, he bought the team for just $275 million or around Tk 300 crore. After 13 years, Gabe Plotkin and Rick Chenaler sold to the group for tens of thousands of crores of rupees!

Apart from this, according to the report published in CNN, the contract with the sports brand Nike has also made him a substantial financial gain. After that, Michael was involved in lucrative contracts with the clothing brand Hens, the famous beverage company Gatorade, and the sports company Upper Deck.

Basketball and Jordan are synonymous. It would be hard to find anyone who would disagree with the assertion that Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. The US NBA (National Basketball Association) has also ruled in favour of this claim. In 2015, Michael Jordan entered the billionaires club. And after only eight years, he increased his total wealth three times. Forbes claims he is now worth at least $3 billion. However, Michael did not comment on this.

Michael Jordan doesn’t just make money; he also has a reputation for giving with both hands. His 60th birthday was on February 17 this year. Today, he donated 10 million dollars or 109 crores 75 lakhs to the humanitarian NGO ‘Make a Wish America.’ In the 43-year history of the institution, many celebrities, including Hollywood stars, have given money here. But Michael Jordan paid the highest amount.

The first name on the list is familiar: Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. He owns $251 billion. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is in the second position with 161 billion dollars. The total wealth of the first 400 rich people in the United States is 4.5 trillion dollars, more than Japan’s GDP (gross domestic product) in 2022!

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