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How The Clashes Between Palestinian Militants and Israel.

# What Iran will do will depend on Israel.

The clashes between Palestinian militants and Israel. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdullahian said that what Iran will do in Israel depends on Israel’s actions in Gaza. Abdullahi said this in a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani on Thursday. Tehran has always supported the Palestinian organization Hamas. However, Iranian officials have made it clear that they have nothing to do with the attack carried out by Hamas in Israel last Saturday. However, the United States was not relieved by Iran’s statement. The country fears that Iran may open a second front with Lebanon’s Hizballah group on the northern border of Israel because Iran has long supported Hezbollah.

Iran’s foreign minister also said in that meeting, “Government officials of some countries have contacted them.” They want to know about the possibility of opening a new front against Israel. We have made it clear to them that everything will depend on what steps the Israelis take in Gaza. Last night, Iran’s foreign minister arrived in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. He was welcomed there by Hezbollah, Hamas, and other Iran-backed countries. The Iranian foreign minister is scheduled to arrive in the Syrian capital Damascus today. He will meet with Lebanese officials before heading to Damascus. Iran’s allies will respond if Israel’s attacks on Gaza escalate, the Iranian foreign minister said from Beirut’s airport. He told reporters that Israel would answer for the war crimes committed by the Palestinians and Gaza. At least 1,300 Israelis were killed in the Hamas attack on Gaza last Saturday. And 1,500 were killed in Gaza. The Western world has been concerned about Iran since Saturday’s attack. US President Joe Biden last Wednesday urged Iran to be cautious. After Iraq, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahian will visit Lebanon. Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi spoke to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on the phone last Wednesday. There he called on all Islamic and Arab countries to unite in stopping Israeli attacks against Palestinians.

#Here is a timeline of the clashes between Palestinian militants and Israel.

Here is a timeline of the clashes between Palestinian militants and Israel.
Here is a timeline of the clashes between Palestinian militants and Israel

The clashes between Palestinian militants and Israel The scale and complexity of the attacks by Hamas on Saturday left leaders worldwide in shock. These attacks occurred within the context of a decades-long, relentless, and deadly conflict that has resulted in the loss of thousands of lives. This protracted conflict has forced entire generations to grow up under occupation, creating constant anxiety due to the threat of rocket fire and bombings.

Here is a summary of some significant events in the conflict: Here is a timeline of the clashes between Palestinian militants and Israel.

  1. Several times this year, hundreds of Israeli forces conducted military raids in the Palestinian city of Jenin.
  2. In January, a Palestinian man carried out an attack outside a synagogue in East Jerusalem, resulting in the deaths of seven people.
  3. A series of terrorist attacks in Israeli cities in 2022 led to the killing of at least 166 Palestinians by Israeli forces in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.
  4. In May 2021, Israeli police raided the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the third-holiest site in Islam, which triggered an 11-day war between Israel and Hamas, causing the deaths of over 200 Palestinians and more than 10 Israelis.
  5. In 2018, Israel responded to protests along the barrier fence separating Gaza and Israel, resulting in the deaths of at least 170 Palestinians.
  6. In 2014, the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teenagers by Hamas led to attacks from Israel and rocket launches from Gaza, resulting in a conflict that claimed the lives of more than 1,881 Palestinians and over 60 Israelis.
  7. In November 2012, Israel’s killing of Ahmed al-Jabari, Hamas’s military chief, set off over a week of an exchange of fire, causing the deaths of more than 150 Palestinians and at least six Israelis.
  8. In January 2009, Israel and Palestinian groups declared unilateral cease-fires, and Israel withdrew from Gaza, redeploying to the strip’s perimeter.
  9. In response to rocket fire from Gaza, Israel launched an attack on Hamas targets in December 2008, causing the deaths of 200 Palestinians. Subsequently, a ground war against Hamas ensued, resulting in 1,200 Palestinians and 13 Israelis killed.
  10. In January 2006, Hamas won the Palestinian parliamentary election about a year after the death of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat, co-founder of the paramilitary organization Fatah. Hamas later seized control of Gaza, ousting Fatah forces.
  11. In September 2005, Israeli troops withdrew from Gaza, but Israel faced criticism for restricting the movement of Palestinians in and out of the strip.
  12. In September 2000, a Second Intifada began, with Palestinian youth throwing stones at Israeli police after negotiations between Israel and Palestine reached an impasse. Hamas gained support due to its readiness to fight Israel.
  13. In 1997, two suicide bomb attacks killed 27 people, leading Israel’s prime minister, Shimon Peres, to declare a constant war against Hamas.
  14. In 1993, Palestinian leader Mr. Arafat signed the Oslo Accords with Israel, committing to negotiate an end to the conflict based on a two-state solution. Hamas, opposing the deal, launched a series of suicide bombings in Israel.
  15. In December 1987, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza initiated the First Intifada against Israel. Hamas, founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, emerged during this period.
  16. In March 1979, Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty, leading to Israel’s complete withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula. They agreed on a framework for self-rule for Palestinians in occupied territories, with some Jordanian supervision supported by President Reagan, which Israel rejected.
  17. On Yom Kippur in October 1973, forces from Egypt and Syria attempted to negotiate better terms for Arab countries, resulting in a war where nearly 2,700 Israeli soldiers lost their lives.
  18. In June 1967, during the Six-Day War, Israel gained control of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula.
  19. In January 1957, Israel withdrew from Egyptian territory, except for the Gaza Strip, arguing that the Gaza Strip was not historically part of Egypt.
  20. In October 1956, after the Egyptian president nationalized the Suez Canal, Israel invaded the Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip. The United Nations later called for the withdrawal of troops from Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel.
  21. In 1949, the newly established State of Israel signed a series of truces with Arab countries that had declared war on it. According to the 1949 agreements, the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian control.

#Here is a timeline of the clashes between Palestinian militants and Israel.

Other info: The Israel-Palestine Conflict: The War That Has No End



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