HomeBangladeshInternet: No more 3-day data packs from Oct 15

Internet: No more 3-day data packs from Oct 15

Starting Sunday, October 15, mobile phone users in Bangladesh will no longer have access to three-day internet packages. This means customers won’t be able to purchase these shorter-duration packages from midnight on Saturday. Instead, they will be required to opt for at least a seven-day validity package, which comes at a higher cost, according to mobile operators.

As of Saturday night, Grameenphone, a prominent mobile operator, listed the price for a 1 GB data package for three days at 46 taka. However, after this change, obtaining 3 GB of data for seven days will cost 129 taka.
Mobile operators express concerns that discontinuing the three-day package might discourage low-income individuals from using the internet. Those who can’t afford to spend significant money all at once may choose to forgo purchasing data packages altogether.This change will also affect those needing the internet for shorter periods, as they will be forced to buy more expensive packages with longer durations, even if it’s unnecessary.
Operators claim that more than 69 percent of mobile internet users in Bangladesh utilize three-day packages. With about 120 million mobile internet users in the country, it’s important to note that a person is considered a customer if they’ve used the internet once in the last 90 days.


In a meeting held on October 8, mobile operators argued that the general public is already facing economic pressure due to rising food prices and inflation exceeding 12 percent, making this an unfavorable time to discontinue the three-day package.
Operators drew parallels with shampoo minipacks, available in small, affordable packets to cater to lower-income individuals.
Regarding the implementation of these new guidelines, Lt. Col. (retd.) Mohammad Zulfiqar, the Secretary General of Amtob (the mobile operators’ organization), stated that customers would have to pay extra for seven-day packages without the three-day package. This will have a more significant financial impact on those who prefer shorter-term packages. He also noted that this change could negatively affect the government and the operators, potentially leading to decreased internet subscribers.

Arguments for the Closure:

The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) introduced new guidelines for internet packages, allowing only seven and 30-day duration packages while excluding unlimited packages. Operators can offer a maximum of 40 packages under these guidelines.
Previously, packages were available for 3, 7, 15, 30, and indefinite durations, allowing operators to offer up to 95 packages. The Department of Posts and Telecommunications and BTRC argued that many packages confused consumers, especially those opting for shorter-term plans.
Post and Telecommunication Minister Mustafa Jabbar supported the new guidelines, emphasizing the aim to reduce profit-driven practices associated with term and package cycles. Operators had been advocating for three-day packages, citing dwindling profits.
BTRC conducted an online survey from May 25 to June 12 with 1,675 participants. Approximately 55 percent of respondents favored 7, 30, and unlimited-day packages, but operators claimed that 45 percent of customers still preferred three-day packages, and their preferences were not considered..

Effective from midnight

The new policy took effect from midnight, and operators informed customers about the changes through SMS and social media. BTRC has assured operators that they will review the impact on customers after implementing the new data package policy.
One customer, Rakib Hasan, shared that he primarily uses broadband internet at home and the office. When he is on the move, he purchases short-term mobile phone packages. Now, he has to buy longer-term packages at a higher cost. Rakib pointed out that app-savvy customers who buy internet and voice packages are conscious consumers and should be free to choose packages of any duration without arbitrary limits imposed on them.



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